Tag cbn increases dollar sale to bdcs to 50

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the Bangladeshi currency market. Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

This means that the CBN has increased the amount of US dollars it sells to BDCs, which are then used to meet the demand for foreign exchange in the country. This move is likely aimed at addressing the shortage of foreign exchange in the country, which has been a major concern for many Nigerians.

The increase in dollar sale to BDCs could help to:

  1. Reduce the scarcity of foreign exchange in the country.
  2. Make it easier for Nigerians to access foreign exchange for various purposes, such as traveling, paying school fees, or importing goods.
  3. Help to stabilize the exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar.

However, it's worth noting that the effectiveness of this measure will depend on various factors, such as the demand for foreign exchange, the supply of dollars, and the overall economic conditions in the country.