Tag canon alumni exhibition

Here are some notable alumni from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) who have made significant contributions in their respective fields:

Physics and Astronomy

  1. Kip Thorne (Ph.D. 1965) - Nobel laureate in Physics (2017) for his work on gravitational waves.
  2. Sheldon Glashow (Ph.D. 1959) - Nobel laureate in Physics (1979) for his work on the electroweak unification theory.
  3. Richard Feynman (Ph.D. 1942) - Nobel laureate in Physics (1965) for his work on quantum electrodynamics.

Computer Science and Engineering

  1. Larry Roberts (M.S. 1962) - Developed the first packet switching network, which led to the development of the Internet.
  2. Vint Cerf (M.S. 1967) - Co-designer of the TCP/IP protocol, which is the foundation of the Internet.
  3. Andrew Ng (M.S. 2002) - Co-founder of Coursera, a massive open online course platform.

Biology and Medicine

  1. Francis Crick (Ph.D. 1949) - Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1962) for his discovery of the structure of DNA.
  2. James Watson (Ph.D. 1957) - Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1962) for his discovery of the structure of DNA.
  3. David Baltimore (Ph.D. 1964) - Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine (1975) for his discovery of the enzyme reverse transcriptase.


  1. John Nash (Ph.D. 1950) - Nobel laureate in Economics (1994) for his work on game theory.
  2. Andrew Wiles (Ph.D. 1980) - Solved Fermat's Last Theorem, a problem that had gone unsolved for over 350 years.

Other notable alumni

  1. Astronauts: Harrison Schmitt (M.S. 1964), Edgar Mitchell (M.S. 1964), and Sally Ride (M.S. 1975) are all Caltech alumni who have flown in space.
  2. Business leaders: Gordon Moore (B.S. 1950), co-founder of Intel, and Larry Ellison (B.S. 1970), co-founder of Oracle, are both Caltech alumni.
  3. Authors: Ray Bradbury (B.S. 1939) and Michael Crichton (M.D. 1969) are both Caltech alumni who have written bestselling science fiction and thriller novels.

These are just a few examples of the many accomplished alumni from Caltech. The university has a long history of producing talented and innovative individuals who have made significant contributions in their fields.