Tag cameron bows out with jokes

You're referring to the popular TV show "Tag" where Cameron (played by Ed Helms) is a part of a group of friends who are trying to avoid being "it" in a never-ending game of tag.

Here are some funny one-liners and jokes that Cameron might say as he's trying to get out of being "it" or making fun of his friends:

  1. "I'm not 'it', I'm just... allergic to being tagged."
  2. "I'm not running away, I'm just... repositioning myself for optimal tag avoidance."
  3. "You can't tag me, I'm a professional... at being untaggable."
  4. "I'm not hiding, I'm just... conducting a thorough search for the nearest exit."
  5. "You're not 'it', you're just... having a really bad day."
  6. "I'm not playing by the rules, I'm just... making up new ones as I go."
  7. "I'm not cheating, I'm just... creatively interpreting the rules of tag."
  8. "You can't catch me, I'm... a master of disguise... and also really fast."
  9. "I'm not afraid of being 'it', I'm just... afraid of being embarrassed in front of my friends."
  10. "I'm not giving up, I'm just... taking a temporary timeout to recharge my tag-avoidance batteries."

These jokes and one-liners capture Cameron's playful and humorous personality as he tries to outsmart his friends and avoid being "it" in the game of tag.