Tag burgled car

A tagged burgled car is a vehicle that has been broken into and had its contents stolen, but the thief did not take the car itself. The car is still in the same location where it was parked, but the thief has taken valuables such as:

The thief may have left a tag or a note on the car, indicating that they have taken the valuables and warning the owner not to report the incident to the police. This is often done to avoid leaving fingerprints or other evidence at the scene.

Tagging a car is a common tactic used by thieves to avoid detection and to make it difficult for the owner to recover their stolen property. It is often used in conjunction with other forms of theft, such as carjacking or joyriding.

If you have had your car tagged, it is important to report the incident to the police as soon as possible. They will be able to help you recover your stolen property and may be able to apprehend the thief.