Tag buharis governance style

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, not Buhari, was the Prime Minister of Nigeria from 1957 to 1966. However, I assume you meant to ask about Muhammadu Buhari's governance style. Here are some tags that describe his governance style:

  1. Authoritarian: Buhari's government has been criticized for its authoritarian tendencies, with allegations of human rights abuses, suppression of dissenting voices, and disregard for due process.
  2. Nationalistic: Buhari's administration has been characterized by a strong sense of national pride and a desire to promote Nigerian interests, often at the expense of international cooperation and diplomacy.
  3. Security-focused: Buhari's government has prioritized national security, particularly in the fight against Boko Haram and other terrorist groups. This has led to increased military spending and a focus on internal security.
  4. Anti-corruption: Buhari has made anti-corruption a central theme of his administration, with a focus on prosecuting high-profile corruption cases and implementing reforms to reduce corruption.
  5. Economic nationalist: Buhari's government has been criticized for its protectionist economic policies, which have led to increased tariffs and restrictions on foreign investment.
  6. Centralized: Buhari's administration has been accused of being overly centralized, with a tendency to concentrate power in the presidency and limit the autonomy of state governments.
  7. Lack of transparency: Buhari's government has been criticized for its lack of transparency, particularly in its handling of corruption cases and its management of public funds.
  8. Populist: Buhari's administration has been accused of using populist rhetoric and policies to appeal to the masses, often at the expense of more nuanced and effective solutions.
  9. Authoritarian-populist: Some critics have described Buhari's governance style as a combination of authoritarianism and populism, which can lead to a lack of accountability and a disregard for democratic norms.
  10. Patronage-based: Buhari's government has been accused of using patronage and cronyism to reward loyalists and supporters, rather than merit-based appointments and policies.

It's essential to note that these tags are not mutually exclusive, and Buhari's governance style may exhibit elements of multiple categories.