Tag buharis approval rating

Muhammadu Buhari, the current President of Nigeria, has had varying approval ratings throughout his tenure. Here are some of the notable ones:

  1. 2015: According to a survey conducted by the Nigerian Polls Institute (NPI) in 2015, Buhari's approval rating was around 55%.
  2. 2016: A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2016 found that 64% of Nigerians approved of Buhari's performance.
  3. 2017: A survey conducted by the NOI Polls in 2017 found that Buhari's approval rating had dropped to 42%.
  4. 2018: According to a survey conducted by the Afrobarometer in 2018, Buhari's approval rating was around 34%.
  5. 2019: A survey conducted by the NOI Polls in 2019 found that Buhari's approval rating had increased to 54%.
  6. 2020: According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2020, Buhari's approval rating was around 45%.
  7. 2022: A survey conducted by the NOI Polls in 2022 found that Buhari's approval rating had dropped to 34%.

It's worth noting that approval ratings can vary depending on the source and methodology used, as well as the specific issues and events that are affecting the country at the time.