Tag broken diplomatic relations with qatar

In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Egypt announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Qatar, citing allegations of Qatar's support for terrorism and its close ties with Iran. The crisis was sparked by a tweet from Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who praised Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Qatar's foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, who met with the leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The four countries issued a list of 13 demands to Qatar, including:

  1. Shutting down the Al Jazeera media network
  2. Closing a Turkish military base in Qatar
  3. Reducing ties with Iran
  4. Paying reparations to the four countries
  5. Severing ties with the Muslim Brotherhood
  6. Closing down the Qatar Charity Foundation
  7. Reducing the number of Qatari diplomats in the four countries
  8. Reducing the number of foreign workers in Qatar
  9. Increasing cooperation with the four countries in the fight against terrorism
  10. Providing information on Qatari citizens who are fighting in Syria
  11. Reducing the number of Qatari military personnel in the four countries
  12. Reducing the number of Qatari military aircraft in the four countries
  13. Reducing the number of Qatari naval vessels in the four countries

Qatar rejected the demands, calling them "unreasonable" and "unacceptable." The crisis led to a blockade of Qatar by the four countries, which has had significant economic and humanitarian impacts on the country.

Some of the key events and developments in the crisis include:

The crisis has had significant economic and humanitarian impacts on Qatar, including:

The crisis has also had significant diplomatic impacts, including:

Overall, the crisis has had significant economic, humanitarian, and diplomatic impacts on Qatar and the region, and has highlighted the importance of diplomacy and dialogue in resolving conflicts.