Tag british prime minister theresa may and u s president donald trump stand side by side at the start of a meeting in the oval office of the white house in washington january 27

Here is a possible scenario:

[Image description: A photograph of British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. President Donald Trump standing side by side at the start of a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C. on January 27.]

Theresa May, dressed in a tailored suit and carrying a folder, stands tall and confident beside Donald Trump, who is wearing a suit and a tie. Both leaders are smiling, but May's expression is more subdued, while Trump's is more boisterous.

May, who is slightly shorter than Trump, looks directly at the camera with a serious expression, her eyes focused on the task at hand. Trump, on the other hand, is looking slightly off-camera, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for something or someone.

The two leaders are standing in front of the Resolute desk, which is adorned with various symbols of American history and power. The room is filled with the trappings of the presidency, including flags, portraits, and a large American flag hanging from the ceiling.

The atmosphere in the room is formal and professional, with a hint of tension and anticipation. The meeting is likely to be a significant one, with the two leaders discussing issues such as trade, security, and global politics.

Overall, the image conveys a sense of importance and gravity, with the two leaders standing together as representatives of their respective countries, ready to engage in a high-stakes discussion.