Tag british man is being held by thai police

I'm not aware of any specific information about a British man being held by Thai police. However, I can suggest some possible ways to find out more information about the situation.

  1. Contact the British Embassy or Consulate in Thailand: The British Embassy or Consulate in Thailand may have information about the situation and be able to provide assistance to the individual or their family.
  2. Check with the Thai police: The Thai police may have information about the situation and be able to provide more details about the individual's arrest and detention.
  3. Contact a local lawyer: A local lawyer may be able to provide more information about the situation and be able to assist the individual or their family in navigating the legal system.
  4. Check online news sources: There may be news articles or reports about the situation that can provide more information.

It's important to note that the situation may be sensitive and confidential, and the individual or their family may not want to disclose the details of the situation publicly.