Tag anti ngo bill

The Anti-NGO Bill, also known as the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2018, is a proposed legislation in India that aims to regulate the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receiving foreign funding. Here are some key tags related to the Anti-NGO Bill:

Some of the key provisions of the Anti-NGO Bill include:

The Anti-NGO Bill has been criticized by many civil society organizations and human rights groups, who argue that it will stifle the work of NGOs and restrict their ability to operate independently. They argue that the bill will also create a culture of fear and self-censorship among NGOs, and that it will undermine the very fabric of civil society in India.

On the other hand, the government has argued that the bill is necessary to prevent misuse of foreign funds by NGOs and to ensure that they are accountable to the government and the public. They argue that the bill will help to prevent NGOs from engaging in activities that are detrimental to national security and public interest.

The Anti-NGO Bill has been a contentious issue in India, with many stakeholders having different opinions on its merits and demerits.