Tag an 84 year old herbalist

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Let's tag an 84-year-old herbalist. Here's a possible character:

Name: Agnes "Aggie" Thompson

Age: 84

Occupation: Herbalist

Appearance: Aggie is a petite woman with short, curly gray hair and a warm, gentle smile. She has a kind face with deep wrinkles from years of smiling and laughing. She often wears comfortable, flowing clothing in earthy tones and has a fondness for colorful scarves.

Personality: Aggie is a warm and caring person who has spent her life helping others. She is deeply knowledgeable about herbs and has a deep respect for the natural world. She is patient, kind, and understanding, with a gentle sense of humor. Despite her advanced age, Aggie is still active and vibrant, with a twinkle in her eye and a spring in her step.

Background: Aggie grew up on a farm, where she learned about herbs and natural remedies from her grandmother. She went on to study herbalism formally and has spent her life helping people with various health issues. She has a small apothecary in her home, where she creates her own herbal remedies and sells them to her customers.

Specialties: Aggie is particularly skilled in the areas of herbal medicine for women's health, stress relief, and digestive issues. She is also known for her expertise in creating custom blends for individual customers.

Quirks: Aggie has a few quirks that make her all the more lovable. She has a tendency to get lost in thought and forget what she was saying, but she always apologizes and laughs it off. She also has a fondness for baking and often brings treats to her customers.