Tag alhaji kure

A prominent figure in Nigerian politics!

Abubakar Mohammed Alhaji Kure is a Nigerian politician who served as the Governor of Niger State from 1999 to 2007. He was a member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and was known for his strong leadership and development initiatives during his tenure.

Here are some key facts about Alhaji Kure:

  1. Governor of Niger State: Kure served as the Governor of Niger State from 1999 to 2007, making him one of the longest-serving governors in the state's history.
  2. PDP member: He was a member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and played a key role in the party's activities in Niger State.
  3. Development initiatives: During his tenure, Kure implemented several development initiatives, including the construction of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects.
  4. Education and healthcare: He also prioritized education and healthcare, with the establishment of new schools and hospitals, as well as the upgrading of existing facilities.
  5. Agricultural development: Kure recognized the importance of agriculture in Niger State's economy and implemented programs to promote agricultural development, including the establishment of agricultural cooperatives and the provision of credit facilities to farmers.
  6. Conflict resolution: He was known for his ability to resolve conflicts and maintain peace in the state, particularly during the early years of his tenure when the state was plagued by communal clashes and banditry.
  7. Controversies: Kure's tenure was not without controversy, with allegations of corruption and mismanagement of state funds. He was also accused of favoring his own ethnic group, the Hausa-Fulani, in the distribution of state resources.

Overall, Alhaji Kure's legacy as Governor of Niger State is complex, with both positive and negative aspects. While he implemented several development initiatives and promoted peace and stability in the state, he was also criticized for corruption and favoritism.