Tag album

You're looking for a tag album!

A tag album is a type of album that contains a collection of tags or labels, often used for organizing and categorizing items, such as music, movies, or books. Here are a few examples of tag albums:

  1. Music Tag Album: A digital music album that contains a collection of tags or keywords associated with each song, such as genres, moods, or themes.
  2. Book Tag Album: A physical or digital album that contains a collection of tags or labels for books, such as genres, authors, or topics.
  3. Movie Tag Album: A digital or physical album that contains a collection of tags or labels for movies, such as genres, directors, or actors.

Some popular tag album platforms include:

  1. Last.fm: A music streaming service that allows users to create and share tag albums.
  2. LibraryThing: A social cataloging website that allows users to create and share tag albums for books.
  3. IMDB: A movie database that allows users to create and share tag albums for movies.

Tag albums can be a great way to discover new music, books, or movies that match your interests and tastes. They can also be a fun way to organize and categorize your media collections!