Tag al shabaab islamist militants

Al-Shabaab is a militant Islamist group based in East Africa, primarily operating in Somalia. Here are some key facts about the group:

Name: Al-Shabaab, which means "The Youth" in Arabic.

Founding: The group was founded in 2006 as a splinter faction of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), which had seized power in Somalia.

Ideology: Al-Shabaab is a Salafist-jihadist group that adheres to a strict interpretation of Islamic law (Sharia). They aim to establish an Islamic state in Somalia and impose their version of Sharia on the population.

Goals: Al-Shabaab's primary goals are to:

  1. Establish an Islamic state in Somalia.
  2. Drive out Western influence and foreign troops from the country.
  3. Imposes Sharia law on the population.

Tactics: Al-Shabaab is known for its brutal tactics, including:

  1. Suicide bombings: They have carried out numerous suicide bombings in Somalia, Kenya, and Uganda.
  2. Assassinations: They have targeted government officials, politicians, and civilians.
  3. Kidnappings: They have kidnapped and held for ransom foreigners, including aid workers and tourists.
  4. Insurgency: They have engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Somali government and its allies.

Leadership: Al-Shabaab's leadership has changed over the years, but the current leader is Ahmed Umar (also known as Abu Ubaidah).

Allies: Al-Shabaab has received support from other Islamist groups, including Al-Qaeda.

Enemies: Al-Shabaab is opposed by the Somali government, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and the United States.

Notable attacks:

  1. Westgate Mall attack (2013): Al-Shabaab militants attacked a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 67 people.
  2. Garissa University attack (2015): Al-Shabaab militants attacked a university in Garissa, Kenya, killing 147 people.
  3. Mogadishu bombings (2017): Al-Shabaab carried out a series of bombings in Mogadishu, Somalia, killing over 500 people.

International sanctions: Al-Shabaab is subject to international sanctions, including those imposed by the United Nations and the United States.

Humanitarian impact: Al-Shabaab's activities have had a devastating impact on Somalia's humanitarian situation, with millions of people displaced, injured, or killed.