Tag akon guode

Akon Guode!

Akon Guode is a South Sudanese refugee who gained international attention in 2014 after she was forced to flee her home in South Sudan and walk over 1,000 miles to Kenya in search of safety and refuge.

Here are some interesting facts about Akon Guode:

  1. Escape from war: Akon Guode was forced to flee her home in South Sudan in 2014 after her husband was killed in a conflict between government forces and rebels. She was left with three young children and no food or shelter.
  2. Long journey: Akon Guode walked over 1,000 miles (1,600 km) to Kenya, facing numerous challenges along the way, including hunger, thirst, and exposure to the elements.
  3. Arrival in Kenya: After months of walking, Akon Guode finally arrived in Kenya, where she was taken in by a local church and provided with food and shelter.
  4. International attention: Akon Guode's story gained international attention, and she became a symbol of the struggles faced by refugees and displaced people around the world.
  5. Advocacy work: Akon Guode has since become an advocate for refugee rights and has spoken at international conferences, including the United Nations, about her experiences and the need for greater support for refugees.

Akon Guode's story is a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination of refugees and displaced people, and the importance of providing support and protection to those who have been forced to flee their homes.