Tag ake the years of childhood

The years of childhood!

According to the United Nations, childhood is typically defined as the period from birth to age 18. However, this definition can vary depending on cultural and societal norms.

Here's a breakdown of the typical stages of childhood:

  1. Infancy (0-1 year): This is the earliest stage of childhood, characterized by rapid growth and development. Babies are completely dependent on their caregivers for survival.
  2. Toddlerhood (1-3 years): During this stage, children begin to explore their environment, learn to walk and talk, and develop their sense of independence.
  3. Early childhood (4-6 years): This stage is marked by continued growth and development, including the emergence of social skills, language, and cognitive abilities.
  4. Middle childhood (7-10 years): Children in this stage are more independent and begin to develop their own interests and friendships. They also start to learn more complex skills, such as reading and writing.
  5. Late childhood (11-14 years): Pre-teens in this stage are preparing for adolescence and may experience significant physical, emotional, and social changes.
  6. Adolescence (15-18 years): This stage is marked by rapid physical and emotional changes, as well as the development of independence and self-identity.

Of course, these stages are not rigidly defined and can vary from child to child. But overall, these years of childhood are a time of incredible growth, exploration, and development!