Tag agberos

The infamous Agberos!

For those who may not know, Agberos are a group of commercial motorcycle riders in Lagos, Nigeria, known for their bold and sometimes aggressive behavior on the roads. They are often associated with traffic congestion, extortion, and other forms of chaos on the roads.

Here are some interesting facts about Agberos:

  1. Origin: The term "Agbero" is derived from the Yoruba language, meaning "motorcycle rider" or "biker".
  2. History: Agberos have been around since the 1980s, when commercial motorcycle riding became a popular means of transportation in Lagos.
  3. Behavior: Agberos are known for their bold and sometimes aggressive behavior on the roads, often disregarding traffic rules and regulations.
  4. Extortion: Agberos are notorious for extorting money from motorists, pedestrians, and other road users, often using intimidation and violence to get what they want.
  5. Traffic congestion: Agberos are often blamed for traffic congestion in Lagos, as they often block roads and intersections, causing gridlock and frustration for other road users.
  6. Economic impact: Agberos have a significant economic impact on the city, as they provide a vital transportation service to many residents and commuters.
  7. Government efforts: The Lagos State Government has made several efforts to regulate and control the activities of Agberos, including the establishment of a special task force to monitor and arrest errant riders.

Overall, Agberos are a complex and controversial phenomenon in Lagos, with both positive and negative impacts on the city's transportation system and economy.