Tag africa 2017 forum

Here are some key takeaways from the 2017 Africa Forum:

Theme: "Accelerating Africa's Development through Digital Transformation"

Key Highlights:

  1. Digital Transformation: The forum emphasized the importance of digital transformation in driving Africa's economic growth and development. It highlighted the need for African countries to leverage technology to improve governance, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
  2. African Union's Agenda 2063: The forum discussed the African Union's Agenda 2063, which aims to transform Africa into a prosperous and peaceful continent by 2063. The agenda focuses on five key areas: economic transformation, political governance, social governance, environmental sustainability, and human development.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The forum stressed the need for significant investment in infrastructure development to support Africa's economic growth. It highlighted the importance of investing in roads, railways, ports, and energy infrastructure to improve connectivity and trade.
  4. Youth Empowerment: The forum emphasized the need to empower Africa's youth to drive the continent's development. It highlighted the importance of education, skills development, and entrepreneurship in creating job opportunities and reducing youth unemployment.
  5. Private Sector Engagement: The forum encouraged private sector engagement in Africa's development, highlighting the importance of public-private partnerships in driving economic growth and development.
  6. Regional Integration: The forum emphasized the importance of regional integration in promoting economic growth and development in Africa. It highlighted the need for African countries to work together to create a single market and customs union.
  7. Climate Change: The forum discussed the impact of climate change on Africa's development, highlighting the need for African countries to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects.

Key Speakers:

  1. African Union Commission Chairperson: Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
  2. United Nations Secretary-General: António Guterres
  3. World Bank Group President: Jim Yong Kim
  4. African Development Bank President: Akinwumi Adesina
  5. South African President: Jacob Zuma


  1. Addis Ababa Declaration: The forum adopted the Addis Ababa Declaration, which emphasized the importance of digital transformation, infrastructure development, and private sector engagement in driving Africa's development.
  2. Africa's Digital Transformation Roadmap: The forum launched Africa's Digital Transformation Roadmap, which outlines the continent's digital transformation strategy and priorities.
  3. African Union's Agenda 2063 Implementation Plan: The forum adopted the African Union's Agenda 2063 Implementation Plan, which outlines the steps needed to achieve the agenda's goals and objectives.

Overall, the 2017 Africa Forum was a significant event that brought together leaders from across Africa and the world to discuss the continent's development challenges and opportunities. It emphasized the importance of digital transformation, infrastructure development, and private sector engagement in driving Africa's economic growth and development.