Tag advanced digital awareness programme for tertiary institutions

Here is a potential outline for an Advanced Digital Awareness Programme for Tertiary Institutions:

Programme Title: "Digital Savvy: Empowering Tertiary Students for the Digital Age"

Programme Objectives:

  1. To equip students with advanced digital skills and knowledge to navigate the digital landscape effectively.
  2. To foster a culture of digital literacy and awareness among students, enabling them to make informed decisions about their online presence and activities.
  3. To provide students with the skills and confidence to leverage digital technologies for personal and professional development.

Programme Components:

  1. Digital Literacy Module:
    • Understanding the basics of computer systems, software, and hardware.
    • Familiarity with digital communication tools (e.g., email, messaging apps, social media).
    • Understanding online safety and security best practices.
  2. Digital Citizenship Module:
    • Understanding online etiquette and netiquette.
    • Recognizing and managing online risks (e.g., cyberbullying, online harassment).
    • Developing critical thinking skills to evaluate online information.
  3. Digital Skills Module:
    • Introduction to coding and programming basics.
    • Understanding data analysis and visualization techniques.
    • Familiarity with digital tools for productivity and collaboration (e.g., project management software, cloud storage).
  4. Digital Identity and Reputation Module:
    • Understanding the importance of online reputation management.
    • Developing strategies for maintaining a professional online presence.
    • Recognizing the impact of social media on personal and professional reputation.
  5. Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation Module:
    • Introduction to digital entrepreneurship and innovation.
    • Understanding the role of digital technologies in business and society.
    • Developing skills for identifying and solving digital problems.
  6. Capstone Project:
    • Students will work on a real-world project that applies the skills and knowledge gained throughout the programme.
    • Projects can include developing a digital product or service, creating a digital marketing campaign, or designing a digital solution for a social or environmental issue.

Programme Delivery:

  1. Online modules with interactive content, quizzes, and assessments.
  2. In-person workshops and seminars with industry experts and guest speakers.
  3. Group projects and peer-to-peer learning activities.
  4. One-on-one mentoring and coaching sessions.

Programme Evaluation:

  1. Pre- and post-programme surveys to assess students' digital awareness and skills.
  2. Quizzes and assessments to evaluate students' understanding of digital literacy and citizenship concepts.
  3. Project evaluations and feedback from industry experts and peers.
  4. Alumni surveys to assess the programme's impact on students' digital literacy and career outcomes.

Programme Duration:

  1. 12 weeks (3 months) for a comprehensive programme.
  2. 6 weeks (1.5 months) for a condensed programme.

Programme Target Audience:

  1. Tertiary students (undergraduate and graduate) from various disciplines.
  2. Students who are interested in developing their digital skills and knowledge.
  3. Students who want to enhance their employability and career prospects.

Programme Partnerships:

  1. Industry partners for guest lectures, mentorship, and project collaborations.
  2. Technology companies for software and hardware donations, and access to digital tools and resources.
  3. Other tertiary institutions for knowledge sharing and best practices.

Programme Budget:

  1. Programme development and delivery costs.
  2. Marketing and promotion expenses.
  3. Staffing and instructor costs.
  4. Equipment and software costs.
  5. Miscellaneous expenses (e.g., travel, accommodations).

Programme Timeline:

  1. Programme development: 3 months.
  2. Programme delivery: 12 weeks (3 months).
  3. Programme evaluation and assessment: 3 months.
  4. Programme review and revision: 3 months.

This is just a sample outline, and you can modify it to fit your specific needs and goals. Good luck with your Advanced Digital Awareness Programme!