Tag admission list

Here is a sample tag admission list:

Tag Admission List

Student Name | Tag Number | Admitted | Program | Batch

  1. John Doe | JDOE123 | Yes | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | 2022-2025
  2. Jane Smith | JSMITH456 | Yes | Bachelor of Arts in Psychology | 2022-2025
  3. Bob Johnson | BJHNSN789 | Yes | Master of Business Administration | 2023-2025
  4. Emily Chen | ECHEN012 | Yes | Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering | 2022-2025
  5. Michael Brown | MBROWN345 | Yes | Bachelor of Science in Biology | 2022-2025
  6. Sarah Lee | SLEE678 | Yes | Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design | 2022-2025
  7. David Kim | DKIM901 | Yes | Bachelor of Science in Mathematics | 2022-2025
  8. Olivia Taylor | OTAYLOR234 | Yes | Bachelor of Arts in English | 2022-2025
  9. James White | JWHTE123 | Yes | Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | 2022-2025
  10. Rachel Patel | RPATL456 | Yes | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | 2022-2025

Note: This is just a sample list and actual admission lists may vary depending on the institution and program.