Tag a tiktoker has a crush on me part 2

The thrill of being the object of someone's affections!

Here's a continuation of the story:

As I scroll through my TikTok feed, I notice that @SlayingSamantha has been liking and commenting on all my videos lately. At first, I thought it was just her being friendly, but then I started to notice that she's been sending me direct messages too.

The messages started off innocently enough. She'd ask me about my day, or what I was up to, or what kind of music I was listening to. But as time went on, the messages became more... flirtatious.

"Hey, you're looking really good today," she'd say, accompanied by a string of heart eyes and kissy faces.

Or: "I love your sense of humor, you always make me laugh."

Or: "I was just thinking about you and I wanted to say hi."

I have to admit, it's been a while since I've had someone show me this much attention. And @SlayingSamantha is definitely making me feel seen and appreciated.

But as much as I'm enjoying the attention, I'm also a little nervous. I don't know if I'm ready to take things to the next level with someone I've only interacted with online.

What do I do? Do I respond to her messages and see where things go? Or do I play it cool and try to keep things platonic?

Help me out, guys! What would you do in this situation?