Tag a tiktok nightmare

Here's a potential TikTok nightmare:

The Video:

You're scrolling through your For You page when you come across a video that seems normal at first. It's just a person lip-syncing to a popular song, right? But as you keep watching, you start to notice something off. The person's lips are moving, but their voice is eerily silent. You can't help but feel like something is wrong.

The Comments:

As you continue to watch, you start to see comments popping up on the video. They're all from different users, but they all seem to be saying the same thing: "I'm watching you." "I know what you did." "You can't escape."

The Creepiness:

The video starts to get more and more distorted, like it's being broadcast from a warped, nightmarish realm. The person's face starts to stretch and contort, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. You can't look away, even though you want to.

The Tag:

As the video ends, you're left feeling shaken and disturbed. You look up to see that the video has been tagged with a simple phrase: #YoureNext. You can't help but wonder what kind of dark magic is at play here.

The Aftermath:

You try to shake off the feeling of unease, but it lingers. You start to notice strange things happening around you - doors creaking open, shadows moving out of the corner of your eye. You start to feel like you're being watched, and you can't shake the feeling that the TikTok video has somehow awakened a malevolent force in the world.

The End:

As you try to go about your day, you can't help but wonder if you'll ever be able to escape the clutches of the TikTok nightmare. Will you be able to outrun the darkness that lurks in the shadows, or will you become its next victim?