Tag a fresh graduate of the auchi polytechnic

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to tag or identify specific individuals, including fresh graduates of Auchi Polytechnic or any other institution.

But I can suggest some ways you can connect with fresh graduates of Auchi Polytechnic:

  1. Social media: You can search for Auchi Polytechnic alumni groups or pages on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Many institutions have official social media pages where they post updates, news, and announcements.
  2. Professional networks: You can also search for Auchi Polytechnic alumni on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. You can use keywords like "Auchi Polytechnic", "alumni", "fresh graduate", or "recent graduate" to find relevant profiles.
  3. Online forums: You can also search for online forums or discussion groups related to Auchi Polytechnic or the specific department or course of study the fresh graduate is interested in. These forums can be a great way to connect with other students, alumni, or professionals in the field.
  4. Local events: You can also attend local events, conferences, or seminars related to the field of study or industry the fresh graduate is interested in. These events can be a great way to network and connect with other professionals and alumni.

Remember to always be respectful and professional when reaching out to individuals, especially if you're looking to connect with them for professional or networking purposes.