Tag 82 division of the nigerian army

Tag 82 Division of the Nigerian Army is a division of the Nigerian Army, the land branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces. Here are some key facts about the division:

Location: The division is headquartered in Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Area of Responsibility: The division is responsible for the security of the South-Eastern region of Nigeria, which includes the states of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers.

Units: The division is composed of several units, including:

  1. 82 Division Signals
  2. 82 Division Engineers
  3. 82 Division Medical Services
  4. 82 Division Ordinance
  5. 82 Division Supply and Transport
  6. 82 Division Intelligence
  7. 82 Division Reconnaissance Regiment
  8. 82 Division Infantry Brigade
  9. 82 Division Artillery Brigade
  10. 82 Division Armoured Brigade

Mission: The mission of the 82 Division is to provide security and stability to the South-Eastern region of Nigeria, and to support the Federal Government's efforts to maintain peace and order in the country.

Challenges: The division has faced several challenges in the past, including insurgency, kidnapping, and armed robbery. The division has also been involved in various peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, including the deployment of troops to the Niger Delta region to maintain peace and stability.

Notable Operations: The division has been involved in several notable operations, including:

  1. Operation Python Dance: A military operation launched in 2016 to combat Boko Haram insurgency in the South-Eastern region.
  2. Operation Egwu Eke: A military operation launched in 2017 to combat armed robbery and kidnapping in the South-Eastern region.
  3. Operation Delta Safe: A military operation launched in 2016 to combat piracy and armed robbery in the Niger Delta region.

Overall, the 82 Division of the Nigerian Army plays a critical role in maintaining security and stability in the South-Eastern region of Nigeria, and has been involved in various operations to combat insurgency, kidnapping, and armed robbery.