Tag 2018 world economic forum

Here are some key takeaways and highlights from the 2018 World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland:

Theme: "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World"

Key Issues:

  1. Global Economy: The global economy was a major focus, with concerns about trade tensions, protectionism, and the impact of technological disruption.
  2. Climate Change: The WEF emphasized the urgent need for climate action, with many leaders calling for increased investment in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure.
  3. Inequality: The forum highlighted the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor, and the need for policies to address income inequality.
  4. Digitalization: The rapid pace of technological change was a major theme, with discussions on the impact of AI, blockchain, and other digital technologies on the workforce and society.

Notable Speakers:

  1. António Guterres, UN Secretary-General: Called for urgent action on climate change and emphasized the need for a global response to the crisis.
  2. Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister: Spoke about the importance of international cooperation and the need for a global response to the challenges facing the world.
  3. Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director: Warned about the risks of trade tensions and the need for countries to work together to address global economic challenges.
  4. Jack Ma, Alibaba Group Founder: Talked about the impact of digitalization on the workforce and the need for education and training to prepare workers for the future.


  1. Davos Manifesto: The WEF released a manifesto calling for a more inclusive and sustainable global economy, with a focus on addressing inequality and climate change.
  2. Global Risks Report: The WEF released its annual report on global risks, which highlighted the growing concerns about climate change, cyber attacks, and social unrest.
  3. New Economy Index: The WEF launched a new index to measure the performance of countries in terms of their economic performance, innovation, and sustainability.

Other Highlights:

  1. Global Leaders' Meeting: The WEF hosted a meeting of global leaders, including heads of state, business leaders, and civil society representatives, to discuss the world's most pressing challenges.
  2. Startup Pitch Competition: The WEF hosted a startup pitch competition, featuring innovative companies from around the world, with a focus on sustainability and social impact.
  3. Artificial Intelligence Forum: The WEF hosted a forum on AI, featuring discussions on the impact of AI on the workforce, society, and the economy.