Tag 2018 appropriation bill

The 2018 Appropriations Bill in Nigeria was a budget proposal presented by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration to the National Assembly in November 2017. The bill was tagged "Budget of Consolidation" and aimed to consolidate on the gains made in the previous year.

Here are some key highlights of the 2018 Appropriations Bill:

Budget Size: The proposed budget size was N8.612 trillion, which represented a 15.1% increase over the 2017 budget.

Sectoral Allocation:

Capital Expenditure: The capital expenditure component of the budget was N2.356 trillion, which represented 27.4% of the total budget.

Recurrent Expenditure: The recurrent expenditure component of the budget was N6.256 trillion, which represented 72.6% of the total budget.

Key Projects:

