Tag 2017 reutersmary f calvert

I've found a few articles from 2017 that mention Mary F. Calvert:

  1. "Mary F. Calvert: The Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer who exposed the horrors of human trafficking" (April 2017, Reuters)

This article profiles Mary F. Calvert, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer who has dedicated her career to documenting human trafficking and its effects on victims.

  1. "Mary F. Calvert: The photographer who exposed the horrors of human trafficking" (June 2017, Reuters)

This article is a follow-up to the previous one, highlighting Calvert's work and the impact it has had on raising awareness about human trafficking.

  1. "Mary F. Calvert wins Pulitzer Prize for feature photography" (April 2017, Reuters)

This article announces that Mary F. Calvert has won the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography for her work on human trafficking.

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