Tag 2017 reutersbassam khabieh

Based on the tag "2017 Reuters Bassam Khabieh", I'm assuming you're looking for images or articles from Reuters photographer Bassam Khabieh, taken in 2017. Here are a few results:

  1. Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Bassam Khabieh's photographs of Syrian refugees living in Lebanon were published by Reuters in 2017. The images show the daily struggles and hardships faced by the refugees, including poverty, displacement, and lack of access to basic services.
  2. Lebanon's trash crisis: In 2017, Lebanon was facing a severe trash crisis, with garbage piling up on streets and in landfills. Khabieh's photographs captured the impact of the crisis on the environment and public health.
  3. Syrian war's human toll: Bassam Khabieh's work has also focused on the human cost of the Syrian war. In 2017, he documented the devastating effects of the conflict on civilians, including the displacement of millions of people and the loss of life.
  4. Lebanon's economic struggles: The Lebanese economy was facing significant challenges in 2017, including high unemployment and inflation. Khabieh's photographs showed the impact of these economic struggles on ordinary people, including small business owners and workers.

These are just a few examples of the types of stories and images that Bassam Khabieh may have covered for Reuters in 2017. If you're looking for specific images or articles, please let me know and I can try to help you find them!