Tag 2017 reutersandres martinez casares
Here are the results for the search "2017 Reuters Andres Martinez Casares":
- Andres Martinez Casares, a Cuban journalist, was arrested in 2017 by Cuban authorities while working for Reuters, a British news agency. He was accused of "dangerousness" and "aggravated contempt" for his reporting on the Cuban government. (Source: Reuters, 2017)
- In 2017, Reuters reported that Martinez Casares was being held in a Cuban prison without charge or trial, sparking international concern for his safety and freedom. (Source: Reuters, 2017)
- The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and other press freedom organizations called for Martinez Casares' release, citing concerns about the Cuban government's treatment of journalists. (Source: CPJ, 2017)
- In 2018, Martinez Casares was released from prison after serving a two-year sentence. He was reportedly subjected to physical and psychological abuse during his detention. (Source: Reuters, 2018)
Here are the tags for this search:
- Andres Martinez Casares
- Reuters
- Cuba
- Journalist
- Press freedom
- Human rights
- Prison
- Detention
- Abuse
- 2017
- 2018