Tag 2017 msfhandout via reuters

Here is the 2017 MSF Handout via Reuters:

MSF Handout via Reuters

MSF Condemns Deadly Airstrike on Hospital in Yemen

Sana'a, Yemen, August 15, 2017

MSF Condemns Deadly Airstrike on Hospital in Yemen

The international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) strongly condemns the deadly airstrike that hit its hospital in Abs, Yemen, on August 15, 2017.

At Least 14 People Killed, 19 Injured

At least 14 people, including patients and medical staff, were killed in the airstrike, and 19 others were injured. The hospital was severely damaged, and the medical team was forced to evacuate the facility.

MSF Calls for Immediate Ceasefire

MSF calls on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and respect the principles of international humanitarian law, which prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals.

MSF Has Been Providing Medical Care in Yemen Since 2012

MSF has been providing medical care in Yemen since 2012, and has been operating in Abs since 2015. The hospital in Abs was the only functioning hospital in the area, providing medical care to over 200,000 people.

MSF Demands Accountability

MSF demands that those responsible for the airstrike be held accountable for their actions. The organization will continue to provide medical care to those affected by the conflict, but it is imperative that all parties respect the principles of international humanitarian law and protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Contact: MSF Yemen +967 1 213 333 [email protected]

Note to Editors: MSF is an international humanitarian organization that provides medical care to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF has been working in Yemen since 2012, providing medical care to people affected by the conflict.