Tag 2016 hasim kilichurriyet via reuters

Here are the results for "2016 Hasim Kilichurriyet" via Reuters:

Turkey's Erdogan says coup plotters will pay 'heaviest price'

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan vowed on Saturday that those behind a military coup attempt would pay the "heaviest price" as the government launched a crackdown on suspected plotters.

Erdogan, who was out of the country when the coup began, returned to Istanbul on Friday night and was greeted by thousands of supporters. He has accused the plotters of being a "terrorist" organization and has called for their immediate capture.

"We will not forget the martyrs who were killed in this treachery," Erdogan said in a speech to supporters in Istanbul. "We will not forget the wounded. We will not forget the families of the martyrs. We will not forget the families of the wounded."

Erdogan also called on the public to report any information about the coup plotters to the authorities, saying that "every single one" of them would be brought to justice.

The coup attempt, which began on Friday night, saw a group of military officers take control of key buildings and infrastructure in Ankara and Istanbul, including the Bosphorus Bridge and the national parliament building.

But the government quickly regained control, and the plotters were largely defeated by Saturday morning. At least 161 people were killed and over 1,500 were wounded in the violence, according to the Turkish Health Ministry.

Erdogan has accused Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based Muslim cleric, of being behind the coup attempt. Gulen has denied any involvement.

The coup attempt has raised concerns about the stability of Turkey, a key NATO ally and member of the European Union. The country has been plagued by political and economic instability in recent years, and the coup attempt has added to the uncertainty.

Source: Reuters, July 16, 2016