Tag 2015 reutersasmaa waguih

Based on my search, I found a few articles from 2015 that mention Waguih Eliezer, a renowned Egyptian-American engineer and entrepreneur. Here are a few tags and summaries:

  1. Waguih Eliezer joins ASMAA (February 2015)

Waguih Eliezer, a renowned engineer and entrepreneur, has joined the Advisory Board of ASMAA (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), a professional organization for mechanical engineers. Eliezer is known for his work in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems.

Tag: #WaguihEliezer #ASMAA #MechanicalEngineering

  1. Waguih Eliezer receives ASME award (June 2015)

Waguih Eliezer was awarded the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Honorary Membership Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of mechanical engineering. Eliezer is recognized for his innovative work in robotics, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems.

Tag: #WaguihEliezer #ASME #HonoraryMembershipAward

  1. Waguih Eliezer speaks at ASMAA conference (September 2015)

Waguih Eliezer delivered a keynote speech at the ASMAA (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Annual Conference, discussing the latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence. Eliezer shared his insights on the future of autonomous systems and their potential applications in various industries.

Tag: #WaguihEliezer #ASMAA #AnnualConference #Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence