Tag 2014 confab report

Here is the 2014 Confab Report:

Confab 2014 Report

Event Overview

Confab 2014 was held on April 7-9, 2014, at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas. The event was organized by Confab, a leading conference and event production company, and was attended by over 1,500 attendees from the web design and development community.

Keynote Speakers

The event featured a lineup of renowned keynote speakers, including:

Breakout Sessions

The event featured over 100 breakout sessions, covering a wide range of topics, including:

Networking Opportunities

Confab 2014 provided numerous opportunities for attendees to network and connect with each other, including:

Awards and Recognition

The event featured several awards and recognition programs, including:

Feedback and Evaluation

The event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, with many praising the quality of the speakers, sessions, and networking opportunities. The event was evaluated as a 4.5 out of 5 stars, with 95% of attendees reporting that they would recommend Confab 2014 to others.


Confab 2014 was a highly successful event that brought together the web design and development community to share knowledge, learn from each other, and network. The event provided a platform for attendees to gain insights from industry experts, showcase their work, and connect with like-minded professionals.