Tag 10th convocation ceremony

Here's a possible script for a 10th convocation ceremony:

Welcome and Introduction

Procession and Academic Regalia

Keynote Address

Awarding of Degrees

Valedictorian Address

Closing Remarks

Conferring of Degrees



Here's a possible script for the Valedictorian Address:

Valedictorian Address

"Fellow graduates, esteemed faculty members, honored guests, and dear friends,

Today, we stand together as a class, united in our achievement and our pride. We have worked hard to reach this moment, and we have earned the right to celebrate.

As we look back on our time at this university, we remember the late nights, the early mornings, the countless cups of coffee, and the endless hours of studying. We remember the struggles, the setbacks, and the doubts. But we also remember the triumphs, the breakthroughs, and the moments of pure joy.

We have learned so much from each other, from our professors, and from our experiences. We have learned to work together, to support each other, and to lift each other up. We have learned to persevere, to adapt, and to overcome.

As we move forward, we carry with us the lessons of our time at this university. We carry with us the values of hard work, determination, and resilience. We carry with us the memories of our time together, and the bonds that we have formed.

So as we go our separate ways, let us remember to stay connected, to stay curious, and to stay true to ourselves. Let us remember to use our knowledge and our skills to make a positive impact on the world. And let us remember to always cherish the memories of our time at this university.

Congratulations, class of [Year]! We did it!"

Note: This is just a sample script, and the actual content and tone may vary depending on the specific context and preferences of the university and the graduating class.