Syrias assad says trump travel ban not against syrian people #

A interesting statement!

On January 29, 2017, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a statement in which he said that the travel ban imposed by US President Donald Trump was not directed against Syrian people, but rather against "terrorists" and "extremists".

Assad's statement was in response to the executive order signed by Trump on January 27, 2017, which temporarily banned entry into the United States for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries, including Syria, for 90 days. The order also suspended the US refugee program for 120 days and indefinitely banned the entry of Syrian refugees.

Assad's comments were seen as an attempt to downplay the impact of the travel ban on Syrian citizens and refugees, many of whom had been seeking safety and asylum in the United States. Critics of the travel ban argued that it was discriminatory and targeted Muslims and refugees, while supporters of the ban claimed it was necessary to protect national security and prevent terrorist attacks.

It's worth noting that the Syrian government has been accused of human rights abuses and has been involved in a devastating civil war that has displaced millions of people, including many who have sought refuge in other countries. The travel ban has been widely criticized by human rights groups and many governments around the world, who argue that it is not an effective way to address national security concerns and may actually exacerbate the refugee crisis.