Syrian troops advance central aleppo near old quarter

According to recent reports, Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air support, have made significant advances in central Aleppo, pushing towards the historic Old Quarter. This development marks a major turning point in the long-standing conflict in Aleppo, which has been a key battleground in the Syrian Civil War.

The Syrian army's advance has been rapid, with troops reportedly making gains on multiple fronts. The Old Quarter, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has been a major stronghold of rebel forces, including the Nusra Front and other extremist groups. The area is densely populated and has been heavily damaged by fighting, with many civilians trapped in the crossfire.

The Syrian government's push into the Old Quarter is seen as a significant blow to the rebels, who have been struggling to hold onto their last remaining strongholds in the city. The advance is also likely to have significant humanitarian implications, as thousands of civilians remain trapped in the area and are at risk of being caught in the crossfire.

The Russian military has been providing air support to the Syrian government's ground troops, with reports of intense airstrikes in the area. The Russian military has been a key player in the conflict, providing significant military support to the Syrian government and helping to turn the tide of the war in their favor.

The international community has been increasingly concerned about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, with many calling for a ceasefire and the protection of civilians. The United Nations has repeatedly called for an end to the fighting and the provision of humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict.

The situation in Aleppo remains highly volatile, with fighting continuing to rage across the city. The Syrian government's advance into the Old Quarter is a significant development, but it remains to be seen whether it will ultimately lead to a decisive victory for the government or a negotiated settlement to the conflict.