Syrian state tv says army takes key aleppo district

According to reports, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has reportedly taken control of the key district of Hanano in Aleppo city, as announced by the Syrian state television.

Hanano is a strategic district located in the northeastern part of Aleppo city, and its capture would give the government forces a significant advantage in their efforts to retake the city from rebel groups.

The SAA has been making gains in Aleppo in recent weeks, with the support of Russian airstrikes and ground troops. The rebels, including groups such as the al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, have been pushed back in several areas, including the districts of Bustan al-Basha and al-Hamidiyah.

The capture of Hanano would be a significant blow to the rebels, as it would give the government control over a key area of the city and potentially pave the way for further advances.

It's worth noting that the situation on the ground is often fluid and subject to change, and the reports of the SAA's gains should be treated with caution. However, if confirmed, the capture of Hanano would be a significant development in the ongoing conflict in Aleppo.