Syria war news now

Here are the latest news updates on the Syrian War:

Recent Developments:

  1. Idlib Province: The Syrian government and its allies have launched a military campaign to capture the last rebel stronghold in Idlib Province. The campaign has resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the deaths of many more.
  2. Turkish Intervention: Turkey has deployed troops to Idlib Province to support the rebels and prevent a government advance. The move has led to tensions with Russia, which has been backing the Syrian government.
  3. US Withdrawal: The United States has announced the withdrawal of its troops from northeastern Syria, citing the defeat of the Islamic State (ISIS). The move has been criticized by some as abandoning Kurdish allies who have been fighting against ISIS.
  4. Ceasefire Agreements: The Syrian government and its allies have agreed to several ceasefire agreements with rebel groups in recent weeks, including in the cities of Aleppo and Homs.

Key Issues:

  1. Humanitarian Crisis: The Syrian War has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history, with millions of people displaced and in need of aid.
  2. Rebel Fragmentation: The Syrian opposition is fragmented, with many rebel groups fighting each other as well as the government.
  3. Russian and Iranian Involvement: Russia and Iran have been providing military support to the Syrian government, while Turkey has been supporting the rebels.
  4. ISIS Resurgence: Despite the defeat of ISIS in 2019, the group has been able to regroup and launch attacks in some parts of Syria.

Recent Attacks:

  1. Idlib Province: The Syrian government and its allies have been conducting airstrikes and artillery attacks on rebel positions in Idlib Province, resulting in civilian casualties.
  2. Aleppo City: Rebel groups have been conducting attacks on government positions in Aleppo City, resulting in casualties on both sides.
  3. Homs Province: The Syrian government has been conducting military operations against rebel groups in Homs Province, resulting in civilian casualties.

International Reactions:

  1. United Nations: The United Nations has been calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian access to affected areas.
  2. European Union: The European Union has been criticizing the Syrian government's actions and calling for a political solution to the conflict.
  3. United States: The United States has been providing military support to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and has been critical of the Syrian government's actions.


  1. Civilian Casualties: The Syrian War has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children.
  2. Military Casualties: The war has also resulted in the deaths of thousands of military personnel on both sides.

Peace Talks:

  1. Geneva Talks: The United Nations has been hosting peace talks between the Syrian government and opposition groups in Geneva, Switzerland.
  2. Astana Talks: Russia, Turkey, and Iran have been hosting talks between the Syrian government and opposition groups in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Please note that the situation on the ground is constantly changing, and this information may not be up to date.