Syria army news now

Here are the latest news and updates on the Syrian Army:

Recent Developments:

  1. Idlib Province: The Syrian Army has made significant gains in Idlib Province, capturing several towns and villages from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other rebel groups. The army has also advanced towards the strategic city of Khan Shaykhun.
  2. Eastern Ghouta: The Syrian Army has continued its operations in Eastern Ghouta, capturing several towns and villages from Jaysh al-Islam and other rebel groups. The army has also advanced towards the city of Douma.
  3. Daraa Province: The Syrian Army has made progress in Daraa Province, capturing several towns and villages from rebel groups. The army has also advanced towards the city of Daraa al-Balad.
  4. Southern Syria: The Syrian Army has continued its operations in southern Syria, capturing several towns and villages from rebel groups. The army has also advanced towards the city of Daraa.

Recent Military Operations:

  1. Operation "Fajr al-Jawlan": The Syrian Army launched a military operation in Idlib Province, aimed at capturing the city of Khan Shaykhun and surrounding areas.
  2. Operation "Daraa Storm": The Syrian Army launched a military operation in Daraa Province, aimed at capturing the city of Daraa al-Balad and surrounding areas.
  3. Operation "Eastern Ghouta Liberation": The Syrian Army launched a military operation in Eastern Ghouta, aimed at capturing the city of Douma and surrounding areas.

Recent Military Gains:

  1. Capture of Khan Shaykhun: The Syrian Army captured the city of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib Province, a strategic location that gives the army control over the M5 highway.
  2. Capture of Douma: The Syrian Army captured the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, a strategic location that gives the army control over the eastern part of the province.
  3. Capture of Daraa al-Balad: The Syrian Army captured the city of Daraa al-Balad in Daraa Province, a strategic location that gives the army control over the southern part of the province.

Recent Military Losses:

  1. Syrian Army Colonel Killed: A Syrian Army colonel was killed in a rebel attack in Idlib Province.
  2. Syrian Army Soldier Killed: A Syrian Army soldier was killed in a rebel attack in Eastern Ghouta.
  3. Syrian Army Soldier Wounded: A Syrian Army soldier was wounded in a rebel attack in Daraa Province.

Recent International Developments:

  1. Russia-Turkey Talks: Russia and Turkey held talks on the situation in Idlib Province, with both sides agreeing to work towards a ceasefire.
  2. US-Syria Relations: The United States has imposed sanctions on several Syrian officials and entities, in response to the Syrian government's human rights abuses.
  3. European Union Sanctions: The European Union has imposed sanctions on several Syrian officials and entities, in response to the Syrian government's human rights abuses.

Please note that the situation in Syria is constantly changing, and the information provided may not be up-to-date.