Synod news

Here are some recent news updates from the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church, which are often referred to as "Synod News":

Anglican Communion News

  1. GAFCON Primates' Council meets: The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) Primates' Council met in Jerusalem in February 2023 to discuss issues such as the Anglican Communion's response to same-sex marriage and the role of women in the church. (Source: Anglican Communion News Service)
  2. Anglican Communion's Standing Committee meets: The Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion met in February 2023 to discuss issues such as the Communion's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of the Communion in promoting peace and reconciliation. (Source: Anglican Communion News Service)
  3. Anglican Church of Canada elects new primate: The Anglican Church of Canada elected a new primate, Archbishop Mark MacDonald, in February 2023. (Source: Anglican Journal)

Episcopal Church News

  1. General Convention 2022: The Episcopal Church's General Convention, which is the church's governing body, met in July 2022 to discuss issues such as same-sex marriage, the role of women in the church, and the church's response to climate change. (Source: Episcopal News Service)
  2. Episcopal Church elects new Presiding Bishop: The Episcopal Church elected a new Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, in June 2022. (Source: Episcopal News Service)
  3. Episcopal Church's Executive Council meets: The Episcopal Church's Executive Council, which is responsible for overseeing the church's finances and programs, met in February 2023 to discuss issues such as the church's budget and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Episcopal News Service)

Other News

  1. Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission meets: The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) met in February 2023 to discuss issues such as the doctrine of justification and the role of the sacraments in the life of the church. (Source: Anglican Communion News Service)
  2. Oxford University's Anglican Centre in Rome hosts conference: The Anglican Centre in Rome, which is located at Oxford University, hosted a conference in February 2023 on the theme of "Anglicanism and the Ecumenical Movement". (Source: Anglican Communion News Service)