Swanky jerry blasts toyin lawani over mercys best dressed comment

It seems like there's some drama brewing in the Nigerian entertainment industry!

According to reports, Swanky Jerry, a popular Nigerian fashion designer, has allegedly blasted Toyin Lawani, a celebrity stylist, over a comment made about Mercy Eke, the winner of Big Brother Naija Season 4.

Apparently, Toyin Lawani had commented on Mercy Eke's outfit at an event, saying it was the best dressed of the night. However, Swanky Jerry took offense to this comment, claiming that Toyin Lawani was trying to promote Mercy Eke's brand at his expense.

Swanky Jerry, who has worked with several celebrities in the industry, took to social media to express his displeasure, calling out Toyin Lawani for her comment. He accused her of trying to sabotage his reputation and undermine his work as a fashion designer.

The drama has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many fans and celebrities weighing in on the issue. Some have sided with Swanky Jerry, while others have defended Toyin Lawani's comment.

It's unclear what exactly happened between the two, but it's clear that there's some bad blood between them. Only time will tell how this drama unfolds!