Suspended kwara lg bosses go spiritual for reinstatement

It appears that the suspended Local Government Chairmen in Kwara State have taken a spiritual approach to seek reinstatement. Here's a possible news article on the topic:

Suspended Kwara LG Bosses Go Spiritual for Reinstatement

The suspended Local Government Chairmen in Kwara State have embarked on a spiritual journey to seek reinstatement. The chairmen, who were suspended by the state government over allegations of financial impropriety, have visited various spiritual leaders and prophets in the state to seek divine intervention.

According to sources, the chairmen have been visiting prominent Islamic and Christian clerics, as well as traditional healers, to seek prayers and blessings for their reinstatement. They believe that the spiritual approach will help to clear their names and restore their positions.

One of the suspended chairmen, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: "We have been praying and seeking the face of God for our reinstatement. We believe that God is the ultimate judge and that He will vindicate us."

The state government had suspended the chairmen in October 2022 over allegations of misappropriation of public funds and abuse of office. The chairmen have since denied the allegations, claiming that they are politically motivated.

The spiritual approach by the suspended chairmen has raised eyebrows among political observers, who see it as a desperate attempt to regain power. However, the chairmen believe that it is a necessary step to clear their names and restore their dignity.

The state government has yet to comment on the matter, but sources close to the government say that the suspension of the chairmen is still in force and that they will not be reinstated until the allegations against them are investigated and proven.

The development has sparked controversy in the state, with some calling for the chairmen to be prosecuted if found guilty of the allegations. Others have called for their reinstatement, citing the need for due process and the rule of law.

The saga is a reminder of the complex and often contentious nature of politics in Nigeria, where power struggles and corruption allegations are common.