Suspected cultists name ogun lawmaker as sponsor

It seems like there's a developing story here!

According to reports, suspected cultists in Nigeria have allegedly named a lawmaker from Ogun State as their sponsor. This is a serious allegation that could have far-reaching implications if true.

For those who may not be aware, cultism is a serious social issue in Nigeria, characterized by the formation of secret societies that engage in violent activities, including murder, extortion, and other forms of criminality.

If the allegations are true, it would be a major scandal for the lawmaker and the political party they belong to. It's essential to investigate these claims thoroughly and take appropriate action if the allegations are substantiated.

It's also important to note that the lawmaker has denied the allegations, and the police are investigating the matter. It's crucial to allow the investigation to run its course and not jump to conclusions.

What do you think about this development? Should the lawmaker be given the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is complete, or should they be held accountable if the allegations are true?