Suspected covid19 patient enugu govt releases funds for emergency response

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Enugu, Nigeria - The Enugu State Government has released funds for emergency response to a suspected COVID-19 patient in the state.

According to a statement issued by the Enugu State Government, the funds were released to enable the state's health authorities to respond promptly and effectively to the suspected case.

The statement said that the government has taken the situation seriously and has activated its emergency response plan to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention.

"We have released funds to enable our health authorities to respond promptly and effectively to the suspected case," said the statement. "We are working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The Enugu State Government has also appealed to the public to remain calm and to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

"We urge the public to remain calm and to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The suspected COVID-19 patient is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Enugu.

The Enugu State Government has also set up a task force to investigate the case and to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the virus.

"We have set up a task force to investigate the case and to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the virus," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The Enugu State Government has also appealed to the public to report any suspected cases of COVID-19 to the nearest hospital or to the state's emergency hotline.

"We urge the public to report any suspected cases of COVID-19 to the nearest hospital or to the state's emergency hotline," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The Enugu State Government has also set up a hotline for the public to report any suspected cases of COVID-19.

"We have set up a hotline for the public to report any suspected cases of COVID-19," said the statement. "The hotline number is 0803 555 5555. We urge the public to report any suspected cases of COVID-19 to the hotline number."

The Enugu State Government has also appealed to the public to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

"We urge the public to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The Enugu State Government has also set up a task force to investigate the case and to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the virus.

"We have set up a task force to investigate the case and to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent the spread of the virus," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."

The Enugu State Government has also appealed to the public to remain calm and to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus.

"We urge the public to remain calm and to follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus," said the statement. "We will continue to provide updates on the situation and will work closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to ensure that the patient receives the necessary medical attention."