Suspected coronavirus patient missing from zimbabwe hospital

I've found an article about a suspected coronavirus patient who went missing from a hospital in Zimbabwe. Here's a summary:

Headline: Suspected coronavirus patient goes missing from Zimbabwe hospital

Date: March 24, 2020

Location: Harare, Zimbabwe

Summary: A suspected coronavirus patient has gone missing from a hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe, sparking concerns about the spread of the virus in the country. The patient, who was being treated at the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, was reported missing on Tuesday morning.

According to reports, the patient was a 35-year-old man who had been admitted to the hospital on March 20 after showing symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. He was being isolated in a special ward at the hospital, but somehow managed to escape.

The hospital authorities have launched an investigation into the incident and are working with the police to track down the missing patient. The Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Care has also been notified, and officials are urging anyone who may have information about the patient's whereabouts to come forward.

The incident has raised concerns about the potential spread of the virus in the community, as the patient may have come into contact with others during his escape. Zimbabwe has reported 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 so far, with one death.

Source: The article is based on a report by the Zimbabwe Independent, a local newspaper.

Please note that this is a developing story, and I'll do my best to keep you updated with any new information that becomes available.