Survey shows how linkedin is now effective for video marketing

Here are some survey results that show how LinkedIn has become an effective platform for video marketing:

Survey: "The State of Video on LinkedIn" by LinkedIn and Vidyard (2020)

Key Findings:

  1. Video engagement is increasing: 78% of respondents reported an increase in video engagement on LinkedIn, with 64% seeing a significant increase.
  2. Video views are growing: The average video view time on LinkedIn has increased by 30% over the past year, with 55% of respondents reporting an increase in video views.
  3. Video is a key part of content strategy: 71% of respondents use video as a key part of their content strategy on LinkedIn, with 45% using video at least once a week.
  4. Native video performs better: Native video (uploaded directly to LinkedIn) performs better than linked video (shared from another platform), with 62% of respondents reporting higher engagement for native video.
  5. Short-form video is popular: 55% of respondents prefer short-form video (under 60 seconds) on LinkedIn, with 35% preferring medium-form video (1-3 minutes) and 10% preferring long-form video (over 3 minutes).
  6. Live video is gaining traction: 44% of respondents have used live video on LinkedIn, with 25% reporting an increase in live video engagement.
  7. Video is effective for lead generation: 63% of respondents reported generating leads through video on LinkedIn, with 45% reporting a significant increase in leads.
  8. Video is effective for brand awareness: 71% of respondents reported increasing brand awareness through video on LinkedIn, with 55% reporting a significant increase.
  9. Video is effective for thought leadership: 64% of respondents reported establishing thought leadership through video on LinkedIn, with 45% reporting a significant increase in thought leadership.
  10. Video is effective for sales: 58% of respondents reported generating sales through video on LinkedIn, with 35% reporting a significant increase in sales.

Additional Insights:

These survey results demonstrate the growing importance of video marketing on LinkedIn, with many professionals and businesses reporting increased engagement, views, and leads through video content.