Super agent mendes has homes searched as part of massive money laundering investigation in portuguese football

Jorge Mendes, a Portuguese super agent, has had his homes searched as part of a massive money laundering investigation in Portuguese football. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: Jorge Mendes is one of the most powerful and influential football agents in the world, with a vast network of connections in the sport. He has represented top players like Cristiano Ronaldo, José Mourinho, and many others.

Investigation: In 2020, the Portuguese authorities launched an investigation into alleged money laundering and corruption in Portuguese football. The investigation, code-named "Operation Cartel," aimed to uncover illegal activities, including money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption, in the sport.

Searches: As part of the investigation, Portuguese authorities searched several homes, including those of Jorge Mendes, on January 25, 2023. The searches were conducted by the Portuguese Public Ministry, the Judicial Police, and the Tax Authority.

Mendes' involvement: Mendes has been accused of being involved in money laundering and other illegal activities. The investigation allegedly found that Mendes had used his agency, Gestifute, to launder money and hide income from his clients. Mendes has denied any wrongdoing and has not been charged with any crimes.

Other targets: The investigation has also targeted other high-profile figures in Portuguese football, including club owners, executives, and players. Several individuals have been arrested and charged with various crimes, including money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption.

Impact on football: The investigation has sent shockwaves through Portuguese football, with many clubs and players affected by the allegations. The Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) has suspended several players and officials pending the outcome of the investigation.

Ongoing investigation: The investigation is ongoing, and it is unclear when it will be concluded. Mendes and his agency have denied any wrongdoing, and it is possible that the investigation may not result in criminal charges. However, the scandal has already had a significant impact on Portuguese football, and it may take time for the sport to recover from the fallout.