Sunday news zimbabwe

Here are some of the top news stories from Zimbabwe on Sunday:

Main Stories

  1. Zimbabwe's Economy to Grow by 3.5% in 2023: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that Zimbabwe's economy will grow by 3.5% in 2023, driven by agriculture and mining sectors. The forecast is a slight improvement from the 3.2% growth rate projected for 2022.
  2. Government to Introduce New Currency: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to introduce a new currency, the "Zim-Dollar", to replace the current multi-currency system. The new currency is expected to stabilize the economy and reduce inflation.
  3. ZANU-PF Wins Local Government Elections: The ruling ZANU-PF party has won the majority of seats in the recent local government elections, with opposition parties complaining of irregularities and voter intimidation.


  1. Econet Wireless to Launch 5G Network: Zimbabwe's largest mobile network operator, Econet Wireless, has announced plans to launch a 5G network in the country. The new network is expected to improve internet speeds and connectivity.
  2. Zimbabwe's Tobacco Production Up 15%: Zimbabwe's tobacco production has increased by 15% to 240 million kilograms, with farmers expecting better prices for their crop due to improved quality and demand.


  1. Zimbabwe Cricket Team Wins T20 Series: The Zimbabwe cricket team has won the T20 series against the United Arab Emirates, with a 2-1 victory in the three-match series.
  2. Dynamos FC Wins Soccer League Title: Dynamos FC has won the Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League title, with a 2-1 victory over rivals Caps United FC.

Other News

  1. Zimbabwe to Host African Union Summit: Zimbabwe is set to host the African Union (AU) summit in August, with leaders from across the continent expected to attend.
  2. Government to Introduce New Tax on Mobile Money: The Zimbabwean government has announced plans to introduce a new tax on mobile money transactions, with the aim of increasing revenue and reducing the country's budget deficit.

These are just some of the top news stories from Zimbabwe on Sunday.