Sunday news jobs

Here are some Sunday news jobs that you may be interested in:

Print Journalism

  1. Sunday Editor: Oversee the production of a Sunday newspaper, including planning, writing, and editing content.
  2. Investigative Reporter: Conduct in-depth research and interviews to uncover news stories for a Sunday newspaper.
  3. Features Writer: Write engaging and informative articles for a Sunday newspaper's features section.

Online Journalism

  1. Sunday Online Editor: Manage the online content of a Sunday news website, including writing, editing, and publishing articles.
  2. Digital Reporter: Research and write online news articles for a Sunday news website.
  3. Social Media Manager: Manage the social media presence of a Sunday news website, including creating and scheduling posts.

Broadcast Journalism

  1. Sunday News Anchor: Present news stories on a Sunday news broadcast, including reading from a teleprompter and conducting live interviews.
  2. Investigative Reporter (TV): Conduct in-depth research and interviews to uncover news stories for a Sunday TV news broadcast.
  3. Producer (TV): Oversee the production of a Sunday TV news broadcast, including planning, writing, and editing content.

Other Sunday News Jobs

  1. Sunday Columnist: Write opinion pieces for a Sunday newspaper or online publication.
  2. Sunday Cartoonist: Create humorous cartoons for a Sunday newspaper or online publication.
  3. Sunday Photographer: Take photographs for a Sunday newspaper or online publication.

These are just a few examples of Sunday news jobs. Remember to tailor your job search to your skills, experience, and interests!