Sunday mba latest news

Here are the latest news and updates on Sunday MBA:

Sunday MBA News

  1. Sunday MBA 2023: Registration Open: The registration for Sunday MBA 2023 is now open. The event will take place on March 26, 2023, at the Indian School of Business (ISB) in Hyderabad.
  2. New Partnerships: Sunday MBA has announced new partnerships with leading business schools and organizations, including the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
  3. Mentorship Program: Sunday MBA has launched a mentorship program, which will pair participants with experienced professionals and entrepreneurs. The program aims to provide guidance and support to participants in their business ventures.
  4. Pitch Competition: Sunday MBA has announced a pitch competition, which will take place during the event. Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges and win prizes.
  5. Keynote Speakers: Sunday MBA has announced its keynote speakers for the event, including industry leaders and entrepreneurs such as Ritesh Agarwal, Founder of OYO Rooms, and Kunal Shah, Co-Founder of FreeCharge.
  6. Workshops and Sessions: Sunday MBA has announced a range of workshops and sessions, including topics such as entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership. The event will also feature panel discussions and networking opportunities.
  7. Partnership with Startup India: Sunday MBA has partnered with Startup India, a government initiative to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in India. The partnership aims to provide support and resources to startup founders and entrepreneurs.
  8. Increased Focus on Sustainability: Sunday MBA has announced an increased focus on sustainability, with a range of sessions and workshops dedicated to the topic. The event will also feature a sustainability hackathon, which will challenge participants to come up with innovative solutions to sustainability challenges.
  9. Global Reach: Sunday MBA has announced plans to expand its reach globally, with events planned in cities such as Singapore, Dubai, and London.
  10. Call for Applications: Sunday MBA is now accepting applications for the event. Participants can apply online and submit their business ideas and profiles.

Sunday MBA Updates

  1. Sunday MBA 2022: Highlights: Sunday MBA 2022 was a huge success, with over 1,000 participants attending the event. The event featured keynote speakers, workshops, and a pitch competition.
  2. Sunday MBA 2022: Winners: The winners of the Sunday MBA 2022 pitch competition were announced, with the top three winners receiving prizes and funding for their business ventures.
  3. Sunday MBA 2022: Photos: Photos from Sunday MBA 2022 are now available online, showcasing the event's keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Sunday MBA FAQs

  1. What is Sunday MBA?: Sunday MBA is a business event that brings together entrepreneurs, startup founders, and professionals to learn, network, and grow their businesses.
  2. What is the format of Sunday MBA?: Sunday MBA is a one-day event that features keynote speakers, workshops, and a pitch competition.
  3. Who can attend Sunday MBA?: Sunday MBA is open to anyone interested in entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership, including startup founders, entrepreneurs, professionals, and students.
  4. How do I register for Sunday MBA?: Registration for Sunday MBA is now open online. Participants can register and submit their business ideas and profiles.

I hope this information is helpful!